
Submit your application or custom logic to the Okta Community Toolkit.

Submit your apps in 3 easy steps


Create an okta.json file


Submit your app


View your app

Get Started


To add your app to the Okta Community Toolkit you will need to include a valid okta.json file to the root folder of your repository and ensure the app's source code is hosted in a public GitHub repository.


Create the okta.json file

okta.json is a manifest format for describing example apps.

There are no specific tools required to create an okta.json file for your project. The okta.json has no required fields, but fields such as name, description, and logo are recommended as they provide helpful context to users and give your app a distinct identity.

Here’s a sample okta.json file:

  "name": "App Name",
  "description": "A human readable description.",
  "url": "",
  "logo": "",
  "categories": [
  • name: Up to 80 characters. if not supplied, will use the GitHub repo name (e.g., okta-toolkit-example).
  • description: Up to 80 characters. If not supplied, will pull from the GitHub repo description field.
  • url: A link to the live version of this app. If not supplied, will pull from the GitHub repo's URL field.
  • logo: An optional logo. should be 96px96px. If not supplied, will pull author's avatar from GitHub.
  • categories: An array of Okta functionalities that this example app showcases. All values should be lowercase strings. The supported categories are listed below -- any non-supported categories will be ignored.
    • user-management
    • authentication
    • authorization
    • mfa
    • hooks
    • sso
    • integration-network
    • social-authentication
    • api-authentication

Submit your app


View your app

Your app will be deployed in the next ten minutes. Once deployed, your app will be viewable here.

Need to remove your app?

Remove your okta.json file from your repository. Your app will be removed in 24h.